No niin. /YES!

Saksa, Itävalta, Unkari, Puola, Hollanti ja Tsekki. Täältä pölähtää./Here we come!


We are coming to have fun again so please be welcome to join us. It is boring to play alone. Just few things you should remember:

  • No stage diving please. And do not come to dance to the stage.  The stage is our playground. Really. This is for safety reasons and for comfort of the whole audience. Thank you.
  • Please do not rush to the merchandise desk. Our one guy does his best to serve you. People who rush to the front of the longer waiting people will be served last. Lets be polite and have fun there too.

And the tour schedule is here.

*The show times are from our tour bible and the stage times may change so these times are for advise only.


The calendar pictures for April are downloadable here

Humppa shop on tour

Nettikauppamme on humppakiertueella 3.-22.4. eikäsilloin postittele eikä vastaile. Tilaaminen kannattaa kuitenkin aina./Our web shop is touring s no mailings between 3.-22.4. and replies to you messages will probably not be answered during that time Web Shop Spam